i read today in time out chicago that evanston-based author michael trinklein has a new book called "lost states" and it sounds really cool. it consists of 50 stories of 50 states that never made it, like "forgottonia," a slice of western illinois residents who declared themselves a separate state (and even appointed a governor!) in an attempt to get congress to build an interstate highway connecting the area to chicago. the state never made it, but the interstate was built.
wouldn't this book make the best gift for a u.s. history buff? i already have a few people in mind!
what i like best about the whole idea is trinklein's message at the end of the time out article: "there are always going to be dissatisfied people. i'm just glad i live in a country where people would rather redraw a map than go to war with each other."
images via lost states
i like the east and west florida, they really are 2 different places