on our way from chicago to new orleans last week, my dad and i stopped in memphis for the night. we arrived at our hotel (the doubletree, pictured above), scarfed the chocolate-chip cookies we got at check in, and set out to do and see everything there was to do and see in memphis in four hours. we walked the streets like dutiful tourists, fighting over camera privileges the whole way.
i immediately brought our walking caravan to a halt when i spotted this little guy.
first stop: charles vergos' rendezvous, a google maps for iphone suggestion. thank you, iphone. you have impeccable taste.
two orders of dry-rubbed ribs and a pitcher of beer really hit the spot after 10 hours on the highway in a truck with no cd player (yes, i'm still bitter)
even the cole slaw had barbecue in it!
afterward, we rolled ourselves to beale street but decided it was still too light out to partake
next stop: the site of martin luther king, jr's assassination
according to this woman's sign, she's been protesting in front of the lorraine motel for 22 years
an obligatory trolley ride was next on the agenda
as luck would have it, we ended up by the federal district court.
perhaps someday i will torture my children by making them visit every federal district court in the country.
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