Friday, August 6, 2010

about a book you should probably read

now that i finally can have a life and do things I want to do (so melodram, i know... just go with it), i stopped by the bookstore the other day and picked up every title that sounded good*. on becky's suggestion, i purchased a confederacy of dunces, which i'm just now starting; i also bought water for elephants (late on that bandwagon, i know, but if my beloved is starring in the film based on the book then i owe him the courtesy of reading it). finally, as i was heading to the register, i stumbled upon a book entitled zeitoun, by dave eggers. i grabbed it, knowing nothing about the book other than the author's name, having read a few of his books in the past.

i read the book in one day. without delving into details, i will tell you that it is about a family's experiences during and after hurricane katrina, and in particular the patriarch's experiences as a muslim-american who stayed behind during the storm (i didn't think that mattered either... intrigued? READ THIS BOOK). all the proceeds from the book are going to the zeitoun foundation, which supports a number of nonprofits throughout the city dedicated to rebuilding and the ongoing health of new orleans.
* p.s. - who spends weeks at the library and then, upon finding freedom, heads to the bookstore? i am a living contradiction, i know.

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